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The Care Advice Service - Another benefit for your residents and clients
One of the biggest worries for many people moving into care is running out of money. They want to talk to someone about their finances but don't know who to approach or who they can trust.
They worry about the cost of advice and whether they might be forced to make decisions with which they are uncomfortable.
If a resident runs out of funds everyone loses, the resident, the family and you as their care provider.
Working with us can strengthen the relationship that you have with your residents, ensure that they are receiving sound, trusted advice and protect your income.
We have produced a simple leaflet that explains the options and help available and can be downloaded below. It is suitable for giving to residents and clients.
Due Diligence
Before referring one of your residents or clients to us, you need to be certain of our credentials. Much of this work has already been done as below:
We are part of the West Sussex County Council Carewise Scheme, which is run by West Sussex County Council in partnership with Age UK West Sussex Brighton & Hove.
Our advisers are members of The Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA).
We are FCA authorised.
Our advisers have the Enhanced DBS check
We have over 20 years experience of care fees advice.

Help for your business
We can supply literature to give to new residents or clients.
We can provide clients with an affordability assessment.
Our advice aims to stop clients running down to local authority funding levels.
We can provide speakers for residents and relatives meetings (if you are local to our offices).